Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I've shown you a serious amount of photos from Thanksgiving this year, but these - at least in my opinion - are the real pictures.  Taken with my 35mm camera, this is the first time I've ever worked with color film and I must say, it was really fun and turned out really well.  

You'll probably want some introductions to the people in these pictures.  As a start, they're all my family and I'll give you more formal introductions as we go on.  

The bigger guy is my brother and the third cousin, Jonah, and the little dude is the sixth cousin, Jack.  They're the only two boy cousins out of the eight of us. 

This is Isabel, the fifth cousin.  

And this is Malika, the second oldest cousin. 

Here is my grandfather and my aunt, Sagra, who is Oliva - who you'll meet later - and Isabel's mom.  

Isabel and Kendra, the fourth cousin and Malika's sister.

Jack and John, my uncle and his father.

Malika and Oliva, the second youngest cousin.

We have this tradition, after all of the hard work is done by the women, the men take over the kitchen and make one dish: oyster dressing.  This tradition is brightly titled: MEN IN THE KITCHEN. From the left: my dad, my brother, my grandfather, my uncle - and Malika and Kendra's dad - Mike, my uncle - and Isabel and Oliva's dad - Ian, my uncle - and Samara (not pictured) and Jack's dad - John and of-course Jack.

A view from above and the chopping begins.  

This is my aunt, Caren, one of the most awesome artists I know.  

Here is where it all began - after of course my grandparents -, the four siblings.  In age order from the right: Caren, Durelle - my mom -, Ian and Melissa. 

Sisters: Malika and Kendra.

I don't know if I've formally introduced you to Oliva, my second to youngest cousin.  Well, if not, here she is.

The Thanksgiving table.

My brother and my parents out at Ocean Beach on Saturday.  I had to see the ocean before I left.  

So until next time, San Francisco, I miss you and I love you and I'll be back in less than three weeks.  Until then, Chicago it is.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Since I'm not going to be with my family for Hanukkah, I got one of my gifts early: a Fugi Instax Camera! I'll scan some of the shots I got, when I get back to my scanner in Chicago.

Thank you mom and dad!

Friday Night, pre-Hanukkah with the out of towners

Because so many of my family members are from out of state, namely London and New Mexico - I know it's an odd mix - we do one night of Hanukkah the Friday after Thanksgiving so that the younger kids can be given gifts by people who live here in San Francisco.  This year most of our gifts to my younger cousins were sports related, which resulted in an epic, but short, football game.  And as a side note, I must add that the San Francisco Giants won the World Series the year that I left for college, so I was unable to spread my cheer and what not.  So here goes: Yay, Giants.  Ok, that's enough.